Well we got onto the final leg of our marathon journey and hence SCANDINAVIA!!! Our first stop plausibly had to be Denmark. We made our way from Berlin via Hamburg and its well “much enjoyed events” from the train journey to the walk at Ripperbahnhof at 3 am.
So when we did arrive in the morning at Copenhagen, the capital we were a bit tired, mentally and physically. First things first we had to get our Euros converted into Danish Krones and our mathematical cells again were called upon, also use of our income statement and Balance Sheet of the next few hours had t be thought upon.
Hence after doing darshan of the much heared about “Tivoli Gardens” we sought the tourist destinations which woudnt demand much effort, so to say [never once foretelling what lay ahead]. We started from the Botanical Gardens and another famous garden/ park in the heart of the city. It was just like in the fairytales, verdant grass, pristine water bodies [not to mention the other celestial bodies all around us], leaves of multitude both seen at their abode and sparkling the streets. Inside the Botanical Garden there also was a green house packed with rare species from the plant kingdom, flora and fauna abound to our hearts content in this scenic city. After taken the “NATURE-al path” we decided on paying visit to a random museum of art. Again was a diverse hence enjoyable usage of time.
We then made our way to the Royal Gardens and this again was a sprawling spread of land, and aptly fit for a King and his Queen. With a mini palace separated by a sleek water body it was another chapter, another fairytale.
It was getting insanely windy and the temperatures falling. Note: we still we were on foot all this while and not once did we make use of the Danish transport system. Our plan of visiting the Carlsberg Brewery though had to be omitted as it would close by the tie we would have reached….damn.
We then headed off to the most popular tourist location of Copenhagen : The Little Mermaid. This was the infamous site and character on which Hans Christen Anderson’s work by the same name stands apart. But it never did mention that it was built on the other extreme of the city and we made our long walk with shopping bags and heavy jackets and the unwelcomed gusts of wind with us. On reaching the place we could see the tourists making the most of their new Asian made digicams. And so we delightedly obeyed too. It was a nice piece of work but we couldn’t figure out what was so famous with it. Or maybe we were too tired and our expectations just increased with every step we took towards to Mermaid [apart from imagining Mermaids]. We somehow managed to make our long walk back to the station, this time viewing the city in all its lights and then spending some time at the Hard Rock CafĂ©, Copenhagen…a perfect ending one would say….and we obliged.
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