This may well sound like one of the many forwarded mails spamming our inbox. But at times, one just has to pause and look, stop and stare and realize what each and every word means, what the feelings emote and how the mind and more importantly our heart react.
This is with reference to a recent terror attack on the 13th of February, at the infamous German Bakery eatery on the North Main road at Koregaon Park, next to the Osho International Meditation Centre. It’s no use stating the facts and the numbers.
I am writing this as a selfish soul, as I’ve never thought about similar atrocious attacks with such provocation. I haven’t seen death so closely, until now, and hence maybe these words. Putting it very simply, one of them could have been me, easily; it was just a matter of minutes and some really good deeds accumulating to fate working to our favor. Now many will frown at this attribution to luck, etc, understandably. But honestly its times like these one starts believing in destiny, fate, the ‘luck factor’ and all which completes the ‘gyaan’ circle which we so effortlessly ignore and push aside. The five who died at the table, with the bomb, could quite easily have been me with four friends, who were looking for a place at the packed Bakery just minutes before and deciding not to sit after one big table became empty at the rear end of the place.
German Bakery: at the corner of Lane A, the lane where we reside. A literal second home for us, the vibrant hangout/joint, which also by the way provided us with our daily meals, at breakfast, lunch [on weekends] and dinners. It was always the familiar faces munching on the burger, chewing on the salad or sipping on the many shakes and juices on offer. The Nepalese crew with the loveliest of smiles and always ‘Happy to Help’ attitude.
For one of us, it was The Home who also used to at times stay at his second home/place in the one room flat of his. He was riding on some magical guidance for sure which took him to a rock concert nearby, or else, one would have never liked to guess the consequences. For another, who called from the bakery to another, and then deciding to push off to his place rather than waiting, heard the shudder and shiver as soon as he took off on his bike. For the three of us, who entered our flat and heard this loud thud, as if a building had just gone down. Basically, a few minutes here and there, the faces could have been different, the result the same: Death.
We could not believe what we were hearing, or we were trying not to. We were trying not to accept what we saw, but we had to, when we saw our neighbor in blood, walking up the steps. Watching the live coverage on the news, and realizing it was the same place we had spent the maximum time at, the spot at the end of the lane, where a few minutes back, things were as lively and joyous as ever and now smeared in blood and distorted bodies, sent a chill for sure. We were and are feeling sick and pathetic and more importantly helpless, certain that these feelings would not fade quickly. One of us, voiced that if anything had happened to his friends, he might as well have taken the violent route ahead himself. It does not matter whether the victims are young or old, nationals or foreigners, Christian or Muslims, what is common amongst them is that they were innocent individuals, sure of returning home to their bed that night…almost sure…
One cannot be sure of the future, take one day at a time, thank God for it, every single day, enjoy those moments, treasure each one of them and be the NOW…Do what you got to do now, if you have to say things to someone, if you have to complete something left for the future, live NOW!!!...[I apologize for the pessimistic undercurrent in the note, but that’s how reality shapes up things for us, whether we like it or not, the faster we accept and realize it, the better for us.
You realize you cannot take anything for granted, not even time, forget about people. You realize that life is not in your control at all times, as much as you would disagree with that. You realize the hate around you, and how at times, it beats peace and love to the finishing line. You realize the power of fear and to what extent it drives people. You realize that, at times good is beaten and evil prevails.
As one of my friends said, correctly so, ‘Please, Please, Spread the Love people…just Spread the LOVE….and hope.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
ALL is WELL…???
The term ‘Idiots’ have come into a wide variety of uses, via discussion and speculation, especially since the release of the movie. Though it’s quite interesting to observe and note as to how society, as a wholesome body, views an idiot, and, how an individual does.
An individual may have two distinct sub- perspectives to this entire ‘title’. How society [family, friends, and people around him] views him? How he views himself? This is no different to the personality theory which we have gone through ‘n’ number of times: The Real Concept and the Social Concept.
Now I came across 3 individuals, with diverse, yet common backgrounds, while on my extensive travels in Bengal recently. Each one had a story I was moved by, and I believe there might be many like them, here and there, around us, with us…Hence shall use the common parlance of Tom, Dick and Harry….will keep it to the point and brief….watch out though for the symptoms….
TOM: Smart, intelligent, young, brilliantly creative and a decent level of humor. Works hard, gets de-motivated when he lets himself down, ethical in nature and formidable when he knows he’s right.
In a stimulating society resplendent with opportunities, he would be equipped with enormous potential. A Commerce student just like me, with willingness for further education and knowledge, but it’s a pity that he does not possess the financial backing, necessary in today’s world. The only difference being I have done my from a ‘reputed and prestigious’ institution and he from an unknown one. I had options and he had doors slammed. We had numerous discussions on topics like interests and hobbies, rural India, nature, etc. Can’t comment much but all I know is that he could not make use of his will to the utmost of his inner desires. He is seen by society as what he is today and not what he could have been.
DICK: An ex-professional footballer, has played for a few top league clubs, was also called for a squad representing the country. He’s been to European and South East Asian countries to represent clubs. Due to financial or health reasons he had to leave the sport, had to move away from what he did best, from what he believed in.
Now he is in sales, moving from shop to shop taking orders, day in day out, something I could see he is not good at, and more importantly not enjoying. Resulted in him cheating the distributor of some money, as his performance was not up to mark, got caught and was fired. He is seen by society as somebody who’s not good at his work, as someone who is struggling, someone dishonest.
HARRY: a man in his mid-30’s, street smart, respected and amiable. He at one time was running multiple small businesses. He liked doing that…..Period. Was doing well and was also part of a sales force for a company. He had that entrepreneurial streak in him, quite evident at that.
A few years back he had a life-threatening accident on the railway lines. He says and I quote “the villagers where I met with the accident still call me a miracle”. After multiple bones, torn tissues and shut down ventures he still is a salesman at a company, the streak dying a forced death. He has to bear expenses for his health and his wife’s, which takes a toll. The society sees him as a person, who is still where he was some years back, if not worse.
There is a thread between these three individuals, and many such beings. Given a different circumstance, a different occurrence and a different setting, maybe they would have been heroes of their time and place. Heroes and not ‘Idiots’ [not the literal colloquial meaning, but negative nonetheless.
Society sees and clubs them as certain characters, the depressing and disheartening part being, when they themselves start to lose belief in themselves and start doubting their abilities. Start wondering if Heroes and stars are only to be dreamt of or celebrated on 70mm screens on Fridays. Three great minds, deteriorating and becoming stale….If that’s the case, we really have to ask is “ALL ‘really’ WELL???
An individual may have two distinct sub- perspectives to this entire ‘title’. How society [family, friends, and people around him] views him? How he views himself? This is no different to the personality theory which we have gone through ‘n’ number of times: The Real Concept and the Social Concept.
Now I came across 3 individuals, with diverse, yet common backgrounds, while on my extensive travels in Bengal recently. Each one had a story I was moved by, and I believe there might be many like them, here and there, around us, with us…Hence shall use the common parlance of Tom, Dick and Harry….will keep it to the point and brief….watch out though for the symptoms….
TOM: Smart, intelligent, young, brilliantly creative and a decent level of humor. Works hard, gets de-motivated when he lets himself down, ethical in nature and formidable when he knows he’s right.
In a stimulating society resplendent with opportunities, he would be equipped with enormous potential. A Commerce student just like me, with willingness for further education and knowledge, but it’s a pity that he does not possess the financial backing, necessary in today’s world. The only difference being I have done my from a ‘reputed and prestigious’ institution and he from an unknown one. I had options and he had doors slammed. We had numerous discussions on topics like interests and hobbies, rural India, nature, etc. Can’t comment much but all I know is that he could not make use of his will to the utmost of his inner desires. He is seen by society as what he is today and not what he could have been.
DICK: An ex-professional footballer, has played for a few top league clubs, was also called for a squad representing the country. He’s been to European and South East Asian countries to represent clubs. Due to financial or health reasons he had to leave the sport, had to move away from what he did best, from what he believed in.
Now he is in sales, moving from shop to shop taking orders, day in day out, something I could see he is not good at, and more importantly not enjoying. Resulted in him cheating the distributor of some money, as his performance was not up to mark, got caught and was fired. He is seen by society as somebody who’s not good at his work, as someone who is struggling, someone dishonest.
HARRY: a man in his mid-30’s, street smart, respected and amiable. He at one time was running multiple small businesses. He liked doing that…..Period. Was doing well and was also part of a sales force for a company. He had that entrepreneurial streak in him, quite evident at that.
A few years back he had a life-threatening accident on the railway lines. He says and I quote “the villagers where I met with the accident still call me a miracle”. After multiple bones, torn tissues and shut down ventures he still is a salesman at a company, the streak dying a forced death. He has to bear expenses for his health and his wife’s, which takes a toll. The society sees him as a person, who is still where he was some years back, if not worse.
There is a thread between these three individuals, and many such beings. Given a different circumstance, a different occurrence and a different setting, maybe they would have been heroes of their time and place. Heroes and not ‘Idiots’ [not the literal colloquial meaning, but negative nonetheless.
Society sees and clubs them as certain characters, the depressing and disheartening part being, when they themselves start to lose belief in themselves and start doubting their abilities. Start wondering if Heroes and stars are only to be dreamt of or celebrated on 70mm screens on Fridays. Three great minds, deteriorating and becoming stale….If that’s the case, we really have to ask is “ALL ‘really’ WELL???
Sales – on - Song
Morning blues, another route,
A different beat, quite a feat,
Monday mornings, weekends in sight,
It’s a thin line between the wrong and right
Move in step, tongue in cheek,
Rain’s –a – falling, figures seem bleak,
Retail card, pushing hard,
Shop to shop, till we drop.
This is the scheme, selling style,
Chik, Spinz, Fairever, Nyle,
Seasonal plight, display delight,
Target seeking , JC meeting,
Cavinkomm, Sales on Song,
Stories to hear, a million faces,
Learnt from time, left my traces.
I salute the Field and their Force,
Cheers to them and may we Grow…
A different beat, quite a feat,
Monday mornings, weekends in sight,
It’s a thin line between the wrong and right
Move in step, tongue in cheek,
Rain’s –a – falling, figures seem bleak,
Retail card, pushing hard,
Shop to shop, till we drop.
This is the scheme, selling style,
Chik, Spinz, Fairever, Nyle,
Seasonal plight, display delight,
Target seeking , JC meeting,
Cavinkomm, Sales on Song,
Stories to hear, a million faces,
Learnt from time, left my traces.
I salute the Field and their Force,
Cheers to them and may we Grow…
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
This is It....R.I.P MJ....

Wrote this for my buddy's bachelors invite....the night before.....loved the feel aftr finishin.....was godspeed and satiating....:)
Think you’re Dangerous and Bad enough???
You believe you can take the Blood on the Dance Floor???
Just Keep the Faith and gear up to Jam
We gonna be starting somethin’ and
Give in to me cuz You’re not Alone and That’s the way you make me feelCalling all Billy Jeans in Black and the Smooth Criminals in White
Be ready to Heal the World
Whether you’re a Smooth Criminal or a Liberian Girl,
The question now is…..Will you be There???
P.S. It’s gonna be a Thriller…!!! And trust me you’ll Remember the Time….for years to come….till we are done…J
Sunday Afternoon Outlet...
Dhaaaaaansh!!!!....Clink…Clink….that’s the audio byte which got me off my feet in the middle of Denzel’s dazzling dialogue delivery….[woah managed four consecutive one’s with ‘d’…]…..on a Sunday afternoon…’not kool’ as I would have typically reacted…..but only to find out it would all be worth it….soon…
Cause : Neighborhood kids playing a game of Sunday cricket
Stimuli : Window breaking in the bathroom
Reaction : To be discussed in detail… on…..
Initially I was a bit disturbed at the past 7 seconds. I gazed out of the window only to see an empty play arena….and then a sight which defined the moment for me… innocent set of eyes, full of fear, peeks out from behind a wall to check if a middle aged aunt would come screaming and hurl out all her Sunday morning frustration through the choicest of expletives.
I picked up the ball and collected the shards of glass, putting them aside, in a secluded corner. Thought would shout, but then decided age hadn’t got the better off me. Could actually see myself in one of those fearing, mischievous, yet innocent children, after having broken many a window and glass during my time at the ground. Of how we would rush to the nearest bunker/ cover when an uncalled for shot towards an uncalled for direction would be made. Which would usually be followed by a week’s ban of us playing in that vicinity…..then the next neighborhood…..and the next…that was my and am sure most kids journey….pure in its own simplicity…
Coming to the reaction :
I just threw the ball back and jokingly advised them to play a little carefully, and hit better shots. They were quite shocked, the reaction quite deferred from the usual. They had smiles, unmatched, unparalleled….innocent.
I became an angel in their eyes…..felt nice…reminded me of those days and sunny afternoons…..with caps and bats….fights and the rush for cold water…..kept thinking of it….halfway through the movie….sorry Denzel…..
P.S.: Window was already broken…..they just increased the gap….so that I could see the world more clearly out of a much bigger outlet…..
Cause : Neighborhood kids playing a game of Sunday cricket
Stimuli : Window breaking in the bathroom
Reaction : To be discussed in detail… on…..
Initially I was a bit disturbed at the past 7 seconds. I gazed out of the window only to see an empty play arena….and then a sight which defined the moment for me… innocent set of eyes, full of fear, peeks out from behind a wall to check if a middle aged aunt would come screaming and hurl out all her Sunday morning frustration through the choicest of expletives.
I picked up the ball and collected the shards of glass, putting them aside, in a secluded corner. Thought would shout, but then decided age hadn’t got the better off me. Could actually see myself in one of those fearing, mischievous, yet innocent children, after having broken many a window and glass during my time at the ground. Of how we would rush to the nearest bunker/ cover when an uncalled for shot towards an uncalled for direction would be made. Which would usually be followed by a week’s ban of us playing in that vicinity…..then the next neighborhood…..and the next…that was my and am sure most kids journey….pure in its own simplicity…
Coming to the reaction :
I just threw the ball back and jokingly advised them to play a little carefully, and hit better shots. They were quite shocked, the reaction quite deferred from the usual. They had smiles, unmatched, unparalleled….innocent.
I became an angel in their eyes…..felt nice…reminded me of those days and sunny afternoons…..with caps and bats….fights and the rush for cold water…..kept thinking of it….halfway through the movie….sorry Denzel…..
P.S.: Window was already broken…..they just increased the gap….so that I could see the world more clearly out of a much bigger outlet…..
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