Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sunday Afternoon Outlet...

Dhaaaaaansh!!!!....Clink…Clink….that’s the audio byte which got me off my feet in the middle of Denzel’s dazzling dialogue delivery….[woah managed four consecutive one’s with ‘d’…]…..on a Sunday afternoon…’not kool’ as I would have typically reacted…..but only to find out it would all be worth it….soon…

Cause : Neighborhood kids playing a game of Sunday cricket

Stimuli : Window breaking in the bathroom

Reaction : To be discussed in detail…..here on…..

Initially I was a bit disturbed at the past 7 seconds. I gazed out of the window only to see an empty play arena….and then a sight which defined the moment for me…..an innocent set of eyes, full of fear, peeks out from behind a wall to check if a middle aged aunt would come screaming and hurl out all her Sunday morning frustration through the choicest of expletives.

I picked up the ball and collected the shards of glass, putting them aside, in a secluded corner. Thought would shout, but then decided age hadn’t got the better off me. Could actually see myself in one of those fearing, mischievous, yet innocent children, after having broken many a window and glass during my time at the ground. Of how we would rush to the nearest bunker/ cover when an uncalled for shot towards an uncalled for direction would be made. Which would usually be followed by a week’s ban of us playing in that vicinity…..then the next neighborhood…..and the next…that was my and am sure most kids journey….pure in its own simplicity…

Coming to the reaction :

I just threw the ball back and jokingly advised them to play a little carefully, and hit better shots. They were quite shocked, the reaction quite deferred from the usual. They had smiles, unmatched, unparalleled….innocent.

I became an angel in their eyes…..felt nice…reminded me of those days and sunny afternoons…..with caps and bats….fights and the rush for cold water…..kept thinking of it….halfway through the movie….sorry Denzel…..

P.S.: Window was already broken…..they just increased the gap….so that I could see the world more clearly out of a much bigger outlet…..

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